Locurio Founders Attend 2016 Child’s Play Auction
This past December, Locurio was humbled to be asked by our friends at Penny Arcade to donate items for the 2016 Child’s Play charity auction. Founders Natalie Parisi and Summer Herrick were pleased to show their further support by attending the auction and accompanying dinner in person on December 8th in Bellevue, WA.

Locurio founders Summer Herrick and Natalie Parisi at the 2016 Child’s Play charity auction
Locurio is immensely proud to have helped Child’s Play raise over $160K at their event – we believe in giving back and supporting various causes when we can, and we hope that our donated auction items bring as much joy to their winners as being a part of the Child’s Play community has brought to us.
We love our wonderful Seattle gaming family! Many thanks to all of you who have shown your support for Locurio, and if you are interested in donating to Child’s Play, you can find more information on their website by clicking here.
Child’s Play seeks to improve the lives of children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters through the generosity and kindness of the video game industry and the power of play. (Courtesy of childsplaycharity.org)

Summer and Natalie with Lyla Morris, ENGAGE Program Manager at Card Kingdom